Why was my order canceled?


Along with an automated email with the reason for cancellation, you can also find the details of your cancellation directly on your ‘Orders’ page:


If your order has been canceled due to a credit card decline, we are unable to reprocess the order. The next step would be to log in to your Net32  account to update your credit card information and place a new order. Here are some helpful tips:

  • You can update credit card information during checkout or by going to "My Account"
  • You can re-create your order by going to the "Orders" page, clicking on the canceled order, and then selecting "Buy It Again" for each product


Please note: A credit card decline cancellation may be due to incorrect billing information. If the billing address entered at checkout does not match what is on file with your bank, the bank may decline the order. If this occurs, please contact your bank to verify the information. 

If the bank has a misspelling, typo, or a different abbreviation of the billing address then the system will not let the payment process. This may cause the entire order to decline. Once you are able to confirm your address with the bank please update the billing address accordingly on your Net32 account and reorder.

If a vendor or manufacturer is unable to fulfill an order, they may cancel due to low stock. If this occurs, please feel free to reorder from a different vendor or reach out to the Customer Support team for further assistance. 

If at any point you need assistance, please reach out to our Customer Support Team.

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