How can I report a suspected incorrect product?


Log into your Net32 account, hover your mouse over the “My Account” drop-down, and click on the 'Orders' page:

Locate and click on the Order Number for the suspected incorrect product received.

Select the ‘Request a Return’ button next to the product that is suspected incorrect:

Select the product that is suspected incorrect:

When selecting the return reason, please select 'Wrong Item Was Sent':

In the comment section, we kindly ask that you include the following information:

  • Name of the product received 
  • Quantity of the product received 
  • Lot/Serial Number of the product received

Once complete, click 'Next' to go to the confirmation page:

Once confirmed, please click 'Submit'. 

Once submitted, please allow the Marketplace Integrity team 24 to 48 business hours to process this request and receive a response from the vendor. 

Please Note: Pictures will be required for any suspected incorrect product received. Please take pictures of the product received, the shipping label, and the shipping box. The Marketplace Intrgrity team will request that picture once they begin processing the request.

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