Guidelines for Product Descriptions




A good description containing relevant keywords and all pertinent specs will make your product easier to find when searched for by customers.
Comprehensive descriptions that are easy to read and easy to understand will also help customers to make informed decisions and choose the products that meet their needs, and hence, help minimize returns.

The first 75 characters of the description will be used to generate the page title and therefore are of utmost importance. Titles are also the only part of the description that will be displayed in search results. Therefore, the title of a product needs to be meaningful and help differentiate variants.




In order to achieve meaningful titles, each description should start with brand and product name followed by key differentiating factors and end with packaging information. This part of the description should not exceed 75 characters (including spaces). The remainder of the 500 characters can be used to include any areas of applications, important specifications, system requirements or model fits if applicable, and other relevant features to aid customers in understanding the products.


Here are some tips and guidelines for writing descriptions:

  • Be brief and concise (max 500 characters including spaces).
  • Write as a single, coherent paragraph without any hard return and/or line breaks.
  • Avoid repetitive information and abbreviations.
  • Follow proper punctuation and capitalization rules.
  • Avoid copying and pasting from websites since this might introduce unwanted and sometimes invisible characters.
  • include all required information:
    1. Brand and product name
    2. Packaging information
      • be as precise as possible. For example:
        Case of 10x 100/Box
        2 syringes, 1.2ml each
      • list all that is included in kits and assortments. For example:
        3 - 6 g syringes (one each: A1, A2, A3)
        Kit includes 2x 4g syringes, 8x mixing tips, 8x intra-oral tips
      • provide dilution information for concentrated liquids. For example:
        5 gallon concentrate (1oz makes 1 gal solution)
        1 gallon concentrate (50 uses)
        1 liter concentrate (dilution ratio 1:4)
    3. Differentiating attributes. For example: size, shade, color, etc
  • Mention potential application areas of the product and other relevant specifications such as overall product dimensions, compatibility with certain models or dental systems, etc.


Only information that can be confirmed via manufacturer original documentation such as Manufacturer websites, sell sheets, brochures will be published. Any promotional language, phrases that over embellish the quality of a product, and vendor-advocating phrases will be removed prior to publication.


Here are some examples for bad descriptions and how they can be improved:



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