Most products* in the Net32 database have a Want to sell this product link on the Product Detail Page (PDP) that will enable you to add a product to your offerings. This link can be found under the "Add to Cart" button and is visible only to vendors – So make sure you are logged into your Vendor account before proceeding.
Open a browser window and go to Log into with the same credentials you would use to log into our OMS system.
Search for the product you want to sell. You can search by mfr code, product name, browse products on Net32 by category – or alternatively, go to the Product Detail Page (PDP) directly if you know the product's URL.
Once you have found the product you want to sell, go to the Product Detail Page and look for the Want to Sell This Product link underneath the "Add to Cart" button.
Make sure that you are still logged in. Otherwise, you will not see the link.
When you click the link, a smaller window will pop-up. Complete all required fields marked with a red asterisk (*) and click submit
Refresh your browser and confirm that your vendor name is displayed in the Vendor Options section
* * This feature might not be available for some categories and/or products.
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