Tips for Reducing Late Shipments


The time it takes for an item to ship can have a significant impact on your success on Net32. If you promise to ship quickly but can't deliver on that promise, you will score poorly on customer satisfaction. If you go the other direction and predict conservative shipping times, you may hit your metrics but have a poor conversion rate (and lower sales) because customers don't want to wait a long time for their items. Follow the tips below to reduce your late shipments:

  1. Request your Late Shipments report from the Vendor Business Services team to determine which orders were late and then analyze the operational improvements you can make.
  2. Ensure your Product Handling Times (PHT) are set correctly in the OMS.
  3. Integrate with our Orders API to ensure you receive orders promptly and update the orders right away when you have tracking available.
  4. Utilize the Shipment Due Date that is provided within the Net32 OMS to ensure that an order does not become a late shipment. The due date is based on the provided Product Handling Times (PHT)

See also:

Tips to Improve Your ODR Performance

Tips for Reducing Your Cancellation Rate


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