How do I find my products that are getting low on inventory?
You can search for products with low inventory counts so that you can take the appropriate action. You may need to replenish your stock. Or perhaps, you have received a new shipment into your warehouse and you need to update your inventory on Net32. Either way, the first step is to identify the products that need your attention. Keep in mind, these steps only apply to your products with a “Stocked” fulfillment policy.
In OMS, go to Tools -> Product Inventory Management
Use the search options to find products that are getting low.
Filter your search on products currently For Sale with low inventory. In the above example, the system will return products with an inventory count between 1 and 100. You can specify any max value. You can also filter by Manufacturer or Brand and use wildcards (such as Manufacturer = 3M*).
Once you have captured all the product you want to review, you can either download the list by clicking on the "Download these products to csv" link (1), or, you can update your inventory counts on the screen (2). Don't forget to click the Submit button to finalize your changes.
Note that only 50 products can be displayed on the screen for manual update but all products that fall within your search parameters will be downloaded.
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