Net32's OMS system now has the capability for you to view and download inventory counts of all your stocked items*.
Simply log into your OMS account and go to OMS -> Tools -> Product Inventory Management
Search for a group of products you want to review and update. Some popular search options include:
(1) Low Inventory (min-max counts)
(2) Products not for sale
(3) Products by a particular Manufacturer or Brand
(4) Products with or without an "Alive" price. This search option is helpful if you are controlling your products by "turning off” all price breaks and setting their inventory to 0 (zero) to deactivate them. (Note “Alive” prices refer to products with at least one active price break.)
(5) You can even use the * wildcard to search for all your products that start with CU-, for example.
Once you have captured all the product you want to review, you can
1) download the list by clicking on the "Download these products to csv", edit your invnetory and re-load the file via OMS - Tools - Product Inventory File Upload. More information can be found here.
2) update your inventory on the screen. Don't forget to click the Submit button to finalize your changes.
Note that only 50 products can be displayed on the screen for manual update but all products that fall within your search parameters will be downloaded.
* This feature only covers items whose fulfillment policy is set to "Stock". MFR Orders and Drop Ship items will not be included in this file.
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