How can I access my Transaction Summary or Purchased Item Details Report?


First, determine which report best fits your needs:

  • Transaction Summary: This report includes a summary of your credit card transactions with subtotals of the product, shipping, and tax amounts you paid or were refunded during the selected transaction date range. Payment transactions are included based on the date of the transaction.
  • Purchased Item Details: This report includes the product details on each item you purchased during the select date range. Products are selected based on the order date.

Then, to access your Net32 Transaction Summary or Purchased Item Details Reports, simply log into your Net32 account, hover your mouse over the “My Account” drop-down, and click on “Orders”.

Select “Download Report”:


Finally, select which report best fits your needs, insert the date range, and click “Export to CSV”:


If you have any questions, please reach out to our Customer Support Team.

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