You are now able to export the details of your pending orders to csv format.
- Log into OMS with your vendor credentials.
- Search for “Vendor Orders” that are “pending”.
Note: If your search results contain partial or complete orders, only the pending orders will be included in the csv file. - When you have pending orders in your search results, you will see the link Export pending orders to csv.
- Click the link Export pending orders to csv to see a modal. Select either “Not Viewed” orders or “All pending” orders and click the Export orders to csv button.
- The system will prompt you to select to either open or save the file.
- If you open the file in Excel, you will see the details of the pending orders within your search results.
Each order will contain a row for each line item on the order. The customers’ details are in columns A through AJ and contain the same information for each line item within the order. The line item details are in columns AK through AS.
The file contains the following fields of information, with the line item fields in red text.
customerName |
isFirstOrder |
orderId |
orderTime |
productTotal |
standardShipping |
heavyShipping |
shippingSubtotal |
estimatedTax |
orderTotal |
shipmentDueDate |
shippingAddressName |
shippingAddressStreet1 |
shippingAddressStreet2 |
shippingAddressCity |
shippingAddressRegion |
shippingAddressPostalCode |
shippingAddressCountry |
shippingAddressPhone |
shippingAddressPrimary |
shippingAddressCommercial |
billingAddressName |
billingAddressStreet1 |
billingAddressStreet2 |
billingAddressCity |
billingAddressRegion |
billingAddressPostalCode |
billingAddressCountry |
licenseNumber1 |
licenseAgency1 |
licenseType1 |
expirationDate1 |
licenseNumber2 |
licenseAgency2 |
licenseType2 |
expirationDate2 |
mpid |
vpCode |
lineItemQuantity |
unitPrice |
lineItemTotal |
heavyShippingSurcharge |
manufacturerName |
brandName |
description |
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